Ctrl O built LinkSpace to serve the public sector

LinkSpace is a Software as a Service (SaaS) application designed to meet the exacting security, operational and commercial requirements of the Public Sector.

Gives you more
On the issues and opportunities that standards and assurance activity reveal.
Consistent assurance management supports quality forecasting and timely interventions
Reduce the risks associated with complex, high profile policy frameworks and human decision making.
Pilot new ideas and test hypotheses under control conditions.
Share policy changes

LinkSpace ensures users have access to the latest guidance and directions so criteria based decision making is consistent and compliant with policy or legislation.

Respond to change with user configuration

We have developed LinkSpace to be user configurable in all aspects of its use. Changes are configured centrally and quickly deployed to all users simultaneously without cost or delay.

This is the call to action

Ctrl O is a registered supplier on Digital Marketplace and is ISO27001 certified (Information Security Management).