Ctrl O built LinkSpace to serve the public sector

Linkspace is a Software as a Service (SaaS) application designed to meet the exacting security, operational and commercial requirements of the Public Sector.

Gives you more
Cloud storage and live updates mean you have all of the latest relevant data to make good and timely decisions.
Staff focus on more rewarding and valuable business outcomes and less time herding cats.
Configurable to meet your specific requirements and changes can be implemented without delay.
Identify performance improvements from data analysis based on standards and consistent behaviour.
Share, Collaborate and Complete

LinkSpace allows case managers to share information and collaborate with colleagues in real time. Improved communication and coordination across the team means they can share expertise and solve problems faster.

Data Relevance

We want users to have confidence that they can act based on the most up to date and relevant information. Data entry validation and configurable data views allow for efficient data analysis and reporting. Trends, compliance and updates can be monitored from personal dashboards.

This is the call to action

Ctrl O is a registered supplier on Digital Marketplace and is ISO27001 certified (Information Security Management).