Ctrl O built LinkSpace to serve the public sector

Linkspace is a Software as a Service (SaaS) application designed to meet the exacting security, operational and commercial requirements of the Public Sector.

Gives you more
Job Satisfaction
Remove friction, fashion inconspicuous processes that just work.
Durable data structures and workflow allow central team to focus on operational quality and performance improvements
Level up so all staff can follow process without hunting for a subject matter expert.
Knowledge Sharing
Specialists can share knowledge and experience broadly
Corporate knowledge dissemination

LinkSpace helps organisations leverage the knowledge and experience of specialists who are able to influence and support the many rather than the few.

Increase impact of specialist staff.

Our software and service make it possible for time stretched specialist staff to have a much bigger impact. Knowledge can be shared widely to ensure consistent good practise while improved visibility of input allows experts to intervene early where needed

This is the call to action

Ctrl O is a registered supplier on Digital Marketplace and is ISO27001 certified (Information Security Management).